Todmorden's Pagan, Witchcraft and Dreadlock specialists

Samhain witch bells- vintage pumpkin


We have gone all out this year and hand crafted these gorgeous samhain witch bells. Each one is painted by hand and will vary slightly from the next.

There is alot of misunderstanding about what witch bells are for or what they do. Are they protective ??? Yes but not how you have been led to believe. Witchy bells are hung on your door to let you know if anyone attempts to use you door. If there is no visible sign of someone by your door and you hear them chime then someone uninvited in spirit has attempted to come in, this is your indicator to do a cleansing for your home.

Bells are very important on a spiritual level. The raise the positive vibration when used in doorways but they are also wonderful when cleansing as they demand the attention of all you are about to disperse from your home.

These are extremely limited so don't miss out on them if you would like one. Each has a little pumpkin bell, spider web beads and vintage bells along side a protective pentacle.