Todmorden's Pagan, Witchcraft and Dreadlock specialists


Our loctician has 22 years hands on professional experience. Using gentle crochet method that she created herself through years of epperience. This method is perfect for all hair types and theres no need for products such as waxes, pomade, gels, powders etc , no root ties which is thread arount the roots which causes damage and no interlock which in time causes weak spots and damage, no elastics as its not productive for locs etc.
By appointment only. We want to ensure you get the best experience, if you are quirly and have a tendency towards paganism and the spiritual side of things or have an appreciation for nature we will get along great
As part of her spiritual journey our dreadlock artist helps others to bring out their true selves and not be afraid of being unique and expressing that. She  uses her witchcraft practice to bring our ancestors close when working on your hair, to weave in strengthening & uplifting energy to help you build your confidence for your journey. As an extra she also offers spiritual cleansings to remove any build up of negative energies and bring about a pure and uplifting energy. Please state at your appointment if this is something you would like.

Our locitian not only has had her own locs for over sixteen years shes is also experienced with clients from the ages of three upwards aswell as those who are nurodiverse and those with sensory issues. Her husband Spider was her very first to have locs created by her 22 years ago. She is also mother is a household full of locs.

Starter Locs

These are created from your own hair. I need a minimum length of three inches is needed to start them off.  A fine crochet hook is used to loc your hair. The time taken is different from one client to the next due to hair length, scalp size, hair density and thickness aswell as the desired loc thickness.

Dreadlock extensions
These can be made from high grade synthetic hair which can be anywhere from natural shades to wild colours that never need to be dyed again or real human hair that can be pre coloured to match your own hair or turned into something wild. All our extensions are custom made by ourselves by hand so we can stand behind the high quality you recieve. We dont reattach locs that have been cut off as they have begun to loose their strength. I also do not use extentions made by others as I cannot stand by the quality and no two locticians work in the same way and as I use my own self created method the texture will not match up.

Temporary locs
These can be made from human hair or synthetic hair and braided into your own hair for a temporary style. They can also be made on clips for quick and easy removal or on bobbles etc.
Its a great way to try out locs or if you love to change your colour or style regularly. Our custom made locs can be made in any colour or theme aswell as decorated to a wonderful unique styled set. These are so well made they can be reinstalled over and over for years and if you love your set so much it can be made into perminant extensions to start your loc journey.

This is where new hair growth is locked up again and all stray hairs are all tidied up into their allocated section to ensure strong healthy locs for your future. Maintenance varies for many reasons such as how old your locs are, how neat you need them to be as everyone has their own expectations, you life style can also effect your locs for example a very active lifestle can cause more frizz but its easily tidied at appointments.
Initially starter locs are better to be maintained every two to three months on average but this has to be to your own comfort levels, it can be sooner or longer as required. With extentsions it is necessary to have maintenance to snsure the joins stay strong and that none have slipped. Slipping extensions can be caused by a number of issues such as how you style your hair, what your using to hold your locs up with , we dont recommend the ties that look like a big button with elastic as they will eat through your locs if worn regularly.  Rememebr its a journey and your not alone. We are always there to support our clients every step of the way. 
Clients will be given a care sheet at appointments and we are always a message or a call away.

Dreadlock repair and rescue
These appointments are one of my favourites to do. Some times its hard to find a loctician that fits with you and your needs. There are so many different ways to do crochet method alone and not all of those offering this services deliver what they advertised so this is where the rescue comes into place. I save badly created locs and make them strong again, reattach extensions, split thick locs or comb out if necessary to redo poorly planned sections. In some cases all the locs need to be combed out and redone but this is avoided unless its absolutely what the client wants.
Other cases include locs that need to be redefined again, repair damaged lengths and reattach snapped locs. Some times people can have bouts of depression or illness and all their hair matts up in to a solid mass. These can be undone and I am happy to do so but please be aware its not a quick process and time and effort is always taken to ensure our client is as comfortable as possible and the experience has the best outcome.

Loc decorations, talismans, charms, beads and wraps and decorative add ins
we create custom decorations for your locs aswell as offer a decoration service and special event styling.  We create everything from custom beads, wraps, talismans, charms aswell as decorative add ins that you can use to dress up your locs and add some texture without having to do anything perminant to your locs. These can be brought into your spiritual practice aswell and I thrive at making devotional and dedicational talismans and decorative add ins.

jo grey locs

Advice and guidance is alwasy available for our clients all along their journey. From caring for your locs, washing them, colouring them and sleeping with them. Not everyone is the same but with 22 years experience there are plenty of options to find what suites your journey the best. Locs should be a wonderful part of your life and were happy to support you along the way. It is prioity to find a loctician that you feel confident and comfortable with as you wil be spending time together. Its important to find a good match.