Todmorden's Pagan, Witchcraft and Dreadlock specialists

Litha & Summer solstice workshop & ritual set


With the beauty of the summer solstice on the 20th of June we will be joining together no matter where we are in the world through our private Facebook group to celebrate the return of the summer, the warmth and lighter days and giving gratitude for all the gifts we have received. We will be celebrating the deities and goddesses of the sun and the moon and welcoming the vitality of summer into our lives.

All our ritual sets are a surprise. If you would like to know before you purchase then please message me. Each set contains candles, crystals, anointing oils, altar gifts and more surprises. They come with full instructions and we host the workshop at 9pm on the 20th where we will speak of the celebration and what it means and explain all the contents so you can put the best intentions into your work as you will understand and gain that knowledge along this learning journey.

If you would like to take advantage of our double deal there is the option of getting both this ritual set along side the protection ritual set at a discount of £50 plus postage which saves £7.99 (if both sets were bought and posted individually)