Todmorden's Pagan, Witchcraft and Dreadlock specialists

Aitumn Equinox ritual set


The wheel of the year once again turns to bring the equality between all. The night and day have equality aswell as the balance between the sun and the moons energies.

Our ritual set is full of handcrafted items ready to make this celebration something special. With candles to offer, crystals, herbs, gifts for your altar and spell scroll you will have all you need to make this celebration truly beautiful.
Our ritual sets come with free entry to our private group so you can take part in our lives ritual at the same time as us or do it in your own time.

The equinox is celebrated for seven moons three leading up to the 22nd being the strongest and then three afterwards.

This is a pre order and ritual sets are all sent out together in time for the celebrations. You will get a text from royal mail about your delivery day.